Wednesday, February 27, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog - that is the Running Question

Lest anyone think there may never be another posting on this blog....ah hah!! And was it really four months ago since I last posted an entry on here - enthused and convinced that I really needed to blog?!? I remain convinced - but nonetheless somewhat derelict in using this forum to share some of the things that I think about while running...or even to share thoughts ABOUT running.

However, based on the late hour, it will be short - an update of the Thoughtful Runner's progress in running a half marathon in every state with his most awesome, cute, energetic, fit and speedy companion! Since the October entry we have checked off three additional states in our quest (giving us 10 to-date): Missouri (Springfield and Bass Pro Shops) in November; Florida (Jacksonville) in December; and Texas (Austin and 3M) in January. Of particular note - 1) Karen's Mom joined us for the Missouri race and was our biggest fan - not to mention our caretaker for Rachel. 2) I achieved a personal best (at least since I began running half marathons again in November of 2006) in this race at 1:44:15, eclipsing my New Jersey time by 34 seconds! 3) Bass Pro Shops was a fun sponsor and there is an awesome wildlife museum adjacent to the Pro Shops World HQ. 4) The Austin race was the first one Rachel also completed with us! Typically, races like this don't allow strollers or joggers, but this one was an exception and since we had no one to watch her, she watched nearly 5000 runners compete...or at least participate. Since we had to start in the very back, she even watched us pass over 3000 of them! 5) The Texas race was a personal best pushing Rachel, but we won't remind you that it has also been the only time. 6) Texas has great Tex-Mex food! It is good we don't live there - our running would not be nearly enough to maintain our weight!

So - another blog entry - and another plug for someone preparing and joining us for one of our races coming up (Little Rock AR this weekend, Abilene KS the first weekend in April, and Nashville TN the last weekend in April.)

A final thought to think about: how many things are more important than our efforts to do everything we can to remain healthy? When we lose or impair our health (esp. through our own inaction), how much service can we provide and how effective can we be in taking care of the duties, responsibilities and obligations that may be ours in relation to our families and loved ones and others? Health is truly a blessing, but also an obligation while we are able.