We first ventured into the land of fire and ice in Rotorua and its beautiful namesake lake – nestled in an ancient crater. A sky tram took us to a summit
Two major obstacles remained in our path – we must navigate the dark underworld and traverse the final quarters of fire and ice, to include crossing through the twin volcanoes of Mounts Doom and Tongarairo. We set out next to do the latter – the famed alpine crossing in the Tongarairo (NP) wilderness. However, the elements conspired against us and we were forced to retreat to the Falls of Teranaki –
Fire and ice remained. First, we needed to cross the Thermal Quarter, with its violent mud pots, fiery pools, silica terraces and boiling geysers. Our track would take us through Hell’s Gate and the Hidden Valley of Korako Orakei. We traversed Hell’s Gate in the day’s early hours – skirting formations and evidence of the power of Middle Earth’s fire – and reminiscent of similarly stark landscapes a day’s journey from our home land. As the sun set, we completed the trail through the Hidden Valley of Korako Orakei – a surreal landscape of terraces, mud volcanoes and fumaroles. We were nearing our journey’s end.
It was only fitting that the moon filled the night sky as we prepared for the final trek. During the previous day and night, the season’s first snow had blanketed the highlands and the cold gales reminded everyone that the Tongarairo Alpine Crossing was not for the faint of heart.
In the early morning hours we assembled with dozens of other pilgrims at the Trails’ Head – many of whom looked at us skeptically – with Rachel perched on my back. However, we believed we were prepared and dressed to brave the elements and we set out, quickly gaining elevation through the Mangatepopo Valley into the highlands below the volcanoes. Clouds and mist allowed only intermittent views of our destination through the high pass, but we passed Mangatepopo Hut and after a brief respite at Soda Springs began the steep steppes to South Crater.
From here, the ascent to Red Crater became increasingly more treacherous – the trail covered in snow and ice and the cold gales increasingly fierce. We passed many travelers who had decided to return another day and many who continued to inch along.
With the weather taking its toll, we did not tarry, but began the descent into Emerald Lakes – with their mystic and beautiful colors set against the volcanic plain. With the track clearing and Rachel faring better, we continued through Central Crater and past Blue Lake before beginning the long descent to Ketetahi Hut, where we tarried shortly with friendly travelers before completing the Crossing in the late afternoon. We had surmounted the final obstacle and met the final challenge. Our time in Middle Earth was drawing to a close.
We finally found lodging and the next morning were rewarded with beautiful white sand beaches,
We departed Middle Earth in the evening – and to make amends for the lost day of our inbound voyage – we arrived in Los Angeles that same day, but in the morning hours. It was a trip to remember. Middle Earth lived up to every expectation – in fact, exceeded each one. It was a beautiful Land where the promise of outdoor adventure never waned and where the senses were continuously overwhelmed by the Land’s bounty. No doubt the Land will call again – and once again we will heed the call.